Associated data

GEXF provides a way to add data and meta-data to topology elements.

A bunch of data can be stored within attributes. The concept is the same as table data or SQL. An attribute has a title/name and a value. Attribute's name/title must be declared for the whole graph. It could be for instance "degree", "valid" or "url". Besides the name of the attribute a column also contains the type. Some meta-data can be set to the graph, like the creator's name, the date of creation, or a description.

This graph represents a graph of websites and hyperlinks. Nodes are qualified by their URL, the indegree value and if they are made by French people (the frogs):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gexf xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.3">
    <meta lastmodifieddate="2009-03-20">
        <description>A Web network</description>
    <graph defaultedgetype="directed">
        <attributes class="node">
            <attribute id="0" title="url" type="string"/>
            <attribute id="1" title="indegree" type="float"/>
            <attribute id="2" title="frog" type="boolean">
            <node id="0" label="Gephi">
                    <attvalue for="0" value=""/>
                    <attvalue for="1" value="1"/>
            <node id="1" label="Webatlas">
                    <attvalue for="0" value=""/>
                    <attvalue for="1" value="2"/>
            <node id="2" label="RTGI">
                    <attvalue for="0" value=""/>
                    <attvalue for="1" value="1"/>
            <node id="3" label="BarabasiLab">
                    <attvalue for="0" value=""/>
                    <attvalue for="1" value="1"/>
                    <attvalue for="2" value="false"/>
            <edge source="0" target="1"/>
            <edge source="0" target="2"/>
            <edge source="1" target="0"/>
            <edge source="2" target="1"/>
            <edge source="0" target="3"/>

Get more details on how to write typed attributes in the Primer.

See how to make your graphs evolving during time in the next example.