libgexf::AbstractIter | Iterator Interface |
libgexf::AbstractParser | Parser Interface |
libgexf::AttributeIter | Iterator on attributes |
libgexf::AttValueIter | Iterator on attribute values |
libgexf::Conv | Utility static class for transforming data |
libgexf::Data | Associated data and attributes on nodes and edges |
libgexf::DirectedGraph | Interpretation of the topology structure as a directed graph |
libgexf::DynamicGraph | |
libgexf::EdgeIter | Iterator on edges |
libgexf::FileReader | Read a GEXF file |
libgexf::FileReaderException | Exception occuring when reading a file |
libgexf::FileWriter | Write a GEXF 1.1 file (Gephi 0.7+) |
libgexf::FileWriterException | Exception occuring when writing a file |
libgexf::GEXF | GEXF class, just a container |
libgexf::GexfParser | Parse a GEXF file |
libgexf::Graph | Topology structure of the graph |
libgexf::LegacyParser | Parse an old GEXF file (1.0) |
libgexf::LegacyWriter | Write a GEXF 1.0 file (Gephi 0.6) |
libgexf::MemoryValidator | Static class to check data correctness |
libgexf::MetaData | Associated meta data and attributes on the graph |
libgexf::NodeIter | Iterator on nodes |
libgexf::ReadLockException | Exception occuring on a read-lock |
libgexf::RngValidator | RelaxNG validator |
libgexf::SchemaValidator | XML Schema validator |
libgexf::UndirectedGraph | Interpretation of the topology structure as a undirected graph |
libgexf::WriteLockException | Exception occuring on a write-lock |